Re: Java Web Start misbehaving
ZenFire wrote:
Please refrain from top-posting, I find it very confusing.
This is the jnlp.
I have an altered JNLP that I would like you to try.
Upload it as ExperimentTrilogy2.jnlp so we can
keep track of progess.
First, the reasons for my alterations..
The URL listed for the JNLP DTD* does not exist
I would recommend changing it, but for the fact
that I would also recommend removing the DOCTYPE
element entirely.
* <>
<resources locale="" os="">
<description> </description>
Don't leave attributes/values blank - if they are
not being used, remove them. (Same thing for
the 'version' attribute of the jar elements.
<icon href="default"/>
Huhh? This should probably be more like..
<icon kind="default" href="icon.gif" />
Don't include multiple resources elements that
equate to the same thing. Multiple jar elements
can be included in the one resources element.
<jar download="eager" href="dist/lib/javaws.jar" main="false"/>
Why are you including the javaws archive? Is that
*the* archive distributed with the JRE? I have guessed
it is, and removed that element.
Also in relation to the jar elements..
download="eager" is the default, there is no
need to include it.
main="false" - all the jar elements state that
main="false" at least one of these *must* be
main="true", which then makes all other main
attributes redundant. Since I am guessing
the main is in the first jar, technically *none*
of them require a main attribute, but I'll leave
it for the moment.
And here is the resulting JNLP..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<homepage href="homepage.html"/>
<shortcut online="true"/>
<jar href="dist/ExperimentTrilogy.jar" main="true"/>
<jar href="dist/lib/jl1.0.jar"/>
<jar href="dist/lib/MpegAudioSPI.jar"/>
<jar href="dist/lib/swing-layout-1.0.1.jar"/>
<jar href="dist/lib/tritonus_share.jar"/>
See how that goes.
Andrew Thompson
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