Re: Array of Objects

Lew <lew@lewscanon.nospam>
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:18:10 -0400
<> wrote:

On Jun 16, 9:10 pm, wrote:


    I am somewhat new to JAVA, but not to programming in general. I
recently wrote a class that uses the NIO Socket class. I would like
to now make this class handle multiple sockets. can I do this? For
example: Socket[] socketarray = null; socketarray[1]

Socket[] socketArray = new Socket[13];
socketArray[1]= new Socket("","8000");
but I would use a LinkedList or Vector or something -- arrays are not
particularly useful.

If so I also can not seem to figure out how to do..... Socket
tempsocket = socketarray[1];
I have not seen any examples of arrays that appear to use Class
objects such as the Socket, just using primitive types such as ints,

A Socket is not a Class object. An instance of Socket is a Socket object.
Class is a different class from Socket.

bools, etc..... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Arrays of reference types are extremely common. Every basic tutorial includes
at least a mention of them. For example, the basic Sun tutorial
   String[] anArrayOfStrings;
   String[][] names = {{"Mr. ", "Mrs. ", "Ms. "},
                       {"Smith", "Jones"}};

However, they do not seem to go into the details of how to new and array. One
can always go to the JLS for the final word:
in particular
which links to
which shows you that the syntax for array creation is precisely the same for
primitives as it is for reference types.

Isn't the JLS useful?

So having the knowledge of how to create an array of primitives confers
automatically the knowledge of how to create an array of references. Simply
use the 'ClassOrInterfaceType' in lieu of the 'PrimitiveType'.


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