Re: Accessing Files in a JAR

Lew <lew@lewscanon.nospam>
Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:46:11 -0400
Thomas Fritsch wrote:

Bryan schrieb:

I'm wondering if it's possible to directly access files in a JAR. For
example, I have a JAR called foo.jar, and inside that JAR is a package
called Within that package, I have an XML file that I
need to be able to parse. Before sticking the package in a JAR, I
could simply do something like:


Is there a way to do something similar to this when the XML file is
inside a JAR?

Because you have also packages and class files in your jar file, I
assume the jar file is part of your classpath.
Then you can use the classloader to get your XML file:
  URL url = getClass().getResource("/my/foo/package/bar.xml");
  System.out.println("url = " + url);
  if (url == null)
    throw ...;

To understand why this should work, there are some API docs to be read:
Class#getResource, URL, Parser#parse

You can also use getResourceAsStream().


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