Re: Problem with Java Content Wrapper on Web page

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:18:13 GMT
Jeff wrote:

We have several dozen PC's that run this app,

Note that Java (desktop) applications and (embedded in
a web page) applets are very different beasties, and it is best
to make clear, early on, which we are dealing with.

...runs fine, same on
terminal servers. OS, patches, everything the same. But this one
computer it does not work on and we cannot rebuild it (40 users are
using it via terminal server).

What 'it'? That box, the applet, the site..?

its Windows 2000, SP4, IE 6 Sp1, have tried several diff versions of
Java from 6.up1 back.

Have you tried a different browser (e.g. FF) or upgrading the
Java runtime version of that box?

Here is the error I get..

access denied on line 148 (In Java window)

So.. this appears in a free floating window/dialog, attached
to the web page? Or do you mean the message appears in
the place you would expect to see the applet itself. The status
bar at the bottom of IE? Somewhere else?

If the first listed one, does the dialog also include the text
'Java Applet Window' across the bottom? That might indicate
it is the applet itself, rather than the Java Plug-In, that is
reporting the error.

And while I remember..
1) who wrote this applet, and what do they say about this behaviour?
2) can we visit it, is it publicly available?

..and here is the log...ANY
IDEAS? I am logged in as admin so I should have full access to all
files on the box.

The message you quote is not the usual form of 'access denied'
message I am used to seeing. The applet is apparently unsigned,
and therefore should be unable to access *any* files on the local
PC unless the deployers started messing with .policy files on the
target machines. Did they?

Java Plug-in 1.5.0_06

This version is a number of versions behind the current recommended
Java 1.5 micro-version, last I recall, it was up to 1.5.0_11. Later updates
contain (amongst other things) some critical security updates around
the _06 -> _09 versions.

Even ignoring the immediate problem, I strongly recommend this
box be upgraded to either the latest 1.5 update available, or 1.6.


liveconnect: Invoking JS method: document

and.. aah. You folks like to complicate things, no?
Java applets interacting with *JavaScripts* can cause further
security clamp-downs that I am less familiar with.

(I suspect) We're gonna need a lot more information form you
before it is possible to resolve this.

Try to give a specific answer to each of the questions
(or sets thereof) above. And if you can supply an URL,
that would be handy as well.

But upgrade that Java ASAP, and see if it resolves the

Andrew Thompson

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