Re: Scriptting Java?
Jade wrote:
* Or extending the original applet.
Extending the orignal applet is not an option. It's a 3rd party Java
service I want to automate.
Are you saying it is not an option from a legal POV?
It is *technically* possible (unless the authors have
tied up all the interesting methods as 'private' - but I
suspect even then, it would be possible to do what is
required using the methods (inherited from
java.applet.Applet) that must be public).
..I'm interested in the idea of it loading
within a second applet though, although if I create a webpage which
encloses the 3rd party applet, the URLs will be different, so I doubt
it would work.
Umm.. not sure I understand what you are saying there.
Why will the URL's be 'different'? What does it matter
if they are?
In an ideal world, I would like to be able to emulate the Java applet
within Visual Basic ..
You have some 'bizarre' ideas about what constitutes
an ideal world.*
..and be able to record the properties, and
therefore be able change them fairly easily.... or would that just be
too easy?!
* (longer) Ummm.. Well as someone who regards MS products
with an almost vitriolic hatred, I am probably not well placed to
provide an unbiased answer to that. OTOH, it has come to my
attention that using MS products to develop anything to do
with Java is a strategy fraught with problems.
I would recommend removing VB entirely from the
Java development cycle.
Andrew Thompson
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