Re: chopping of string

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Fri, 05 Oct 2007 06:21:33 GMT
Roedy Green wrote:

On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:33:46 -0700, Andrew Thompson
<> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone
who said :

<textarea cols=30 rows=5>
I need a method which will take a string , if
the string has more than 30 chars then it will
chop that big string into chunk of 30 chars.

Just what CSS and HTML is supported in Java's rendering engine?

That is not relevant to the OP's immediate question,
since they were (ultimately) referring to delivering text
to a JSP, or to my reading of it 'HTML in a browser'.

OTOH, Java built in support for HTML includes coverage
of HTML 3.2 elements (everything shown above) as well
as a surprising amount of CSS (more than understood
by your average Java programmer).

To get a basic idea of how a page will look, though, I
find it easiest to give the URL to a JEditorPane via the
constructor, then toss the JEP into a JScrollPane and
show it in a JOptionPane.

Andrew Thompson

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