Re: Most common XML/XSD validations?

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:59:45 GMT
Andrew Thompson wrote:


I am after suggestions for inclusions in the
list, of common XSD files.


A new physci page. libs availalbe for use by
Java Web Start apps. I intend to include things
like JMF and perhaps JAI, but for the moment it
only includes these (trivial) examples that I wanted
to finish in order to test my understanding of
deploying component extensions.


This comprises the list of XSDs for which I've
currently defined 'named link' pairs.

Have I got the best versions to go with?
Some of the URLs seemed quite arbitrary, when
there were multiple hits for that schema.


I did not originally ask for suggestions of DTDs, but
thanks to Piotr's help I now understand how to validate
against DTDs as well - so I intend to offer DTD validation
in the validator.

Any suggestions for inclusion of DTDs?


Intended as a demo. of the named link bean itself.

This links to ..
- a demo that includes both 'named link' files
previously mentioned.
- The JavaDoc for the NamedLink class (most
of the 'frames' etc. links are broken - I only
uploaded that page)

Note that neither of the first two 'demos'
works at the moment, but can be seen in the
lasyt demo.

All fixed now.

Andrew Thompson

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