Re: What is URL rewriting?
Lew wrote:
Lothar Kimmeringer wrote:
It only seems to be the difference between a developer for
enterprise applications and normal developers. The enterprise
developer doesn't seem to be interested into the things under
the cover of frameworks being used. And cookies and URL-re-
writing are the basic concepts being necessary to have some-
thing like a session-object that can be used for something.
Alas, that is not a difference but an all-too common trait amongst many
programmers, that they care not what is really going on in their APIs.
This lack of understanding, willful or otherwise, severely hampers the
effectiveness and correctness of their work.
When required to get the job done, I'll look at anything down to zeros
and ones in logic analyzer traces. I only draw the line when an
electrical engineer looks at an oscilloscope and says something like
"That is not a very good zero.".
However, if I looked at everything in that level of detail, I would
never get any high level programming done.
I think it is VERY important to pick a suitable model for thinking about
a given problem, and it is not necessarily the case that a more detailed
model is better. Often, I just accept that an API does what it is
documented to do, and program accordingly.