Re: IIS redirection to multiple instances of Tomcat

Lew <>
Mon, 07 Jan 2008 21:02:49 -0500
Arne VajhQj wrote:

RTR wrote:

Actually this is a Tomcat question. Setting up IIS with single
instance of tomcat is pretty straight forward. It is the multiple
instance I a looking to setup.

Thanks let me see if i can find a tomcat group.

This group may be as good as any for a Tomcat question.

Actually, if you got it working for one Tomcat, you should be able to set up
the other two instances identically.

there are 3 tomcat instances, each one runs on a seperate port number.
If I can use the isapi_redirect to redirect based on ports numbers
that will be great.

tomcat instance port number 8080
tomcat instance2 port number 8081
tomcat instnace 3 port number 8082

What tells IIS which Tomcat to use?

I'm not familiar with IIS, but the Tomcat site documents connecting to IIS via
the AJP connector on

I guess IIS configures similarly to Apache Web Server, in that there is a
directive that proxies requests to a given AJP port (JK Tomcat Connector)
based on, what, the incoming URL?

You can define multiple workers the configuration file.

Seems to me you can use multiple workers to do what you want, and have IIS
redirect to the appropriate worker.

I haven't done this with IIS myself, but I have done it with Apache Web
Server, albeit not recently. By a cursory review of the Tomcat docs the
process appears pretty nearly identical. I don't remember all the details,
but I remember using multiple AJP workers.


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