Re: Implementation of java.util.Random
Lew wrote:
Daniel Pitts wrote: wrote:
Is java.util.Random.nextInt() guaranteed to implement the same
pseudorandom algorithm on all platforms?
In simpler terms, if I give the same seed to the constructor of Random
on several different platforms, will it produce exactly the same
sequence on all JREs (Sun, Apple, JRockit and gcj at least)?
Did you *try* reading the Java docs?
Better yet, access that information via the link to the current version
of Java
not one that is due to retire this year
In this particular case the Javadocs are identical, but that cannot
always be counted on.
Well, blame either Google for not updating the link, or Sun for not
re-using a URL for the modern version :-). Don't blame me for not going
through the extra hassle of searching for the same sentence in a
different version :-)
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