On 6 Mrz., 03:41, Roedy Green <see_webs...@mindprod.com.invalid>
On Wed, 5 Mar 2008 05:42:10 -0800 (PST), Karsten Wutzke
<kwut...@web.de> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said :
catch ( SocketTimeoutException ste )
//doesn't flush
doNewline = true;
That should work.
what evidence do you have this code is ever executed?
what happens with System.err.println("timed out");
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
The Java Glossaryhttp://mindprod.com
Because when using println instead print the line *does* get printed.
Additionally the System.out.print() dots get printed only when I leave
the application... It's really strange, I have no idea why it seems to
happen only to me.
I've just extracted the core of my code into a GUI-less test program,
when run it works *as intended*. Absoletely no clue what could cause
the differing behavior...
can try to duplicate the problem with.