Re: MS SQL Server, JDBC, and Unicode?

Tom Anderson <>
Sat, 11 Jul 2009 12:31:21 +0100
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On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, wrote:

On Jul 10, 3:36?am, Tom Anderson <> wrote:

Has anyone made SQL Server work with unicode in java?

I'm working on a system which wants to put unicode in a database. It does
this fine with Oracle, but we haven't been able to make it do so when the
database is SQL Server - and indeed the manufacturers of the system list
this as something that it won't do. Anything that isn't on the current
code page turns into a question mark.

Our columns are nvarchar, and sendStringParametersAsUnicode is true in the
JDBC URL. Is there more than this we need to do?

I've come across mention of a syntax which looks like N'this is a unicode
string' for writing unicode literals in SQL. Do i need to do that? How do
i do that if i'm using PreparedStatements?

We're using the MS driver. An alternative would be the open source jTDS -
any idea if that will fix the problem?

Which driver are you using now?

One from Microsoft, downloaded a couple of weeks ago. I don't have access
to the machines with the driver on right now, so i can't be more specific,
i'm afraid.

By default, the driver will send string data (parameter values) to the
DBMS as 16-bit characters, as you'd want. Are you saying that you have
good strings in your Java client, but on insert, the DBMS has it wrong?


Or are you saying that the DBMS can have good data, but on extracting,
it's bad, or that insert+extract gets bad stuff? Show the JDBC code.

I can't - i didn't write it, and don't have the source. This is the crux
of the problem - i don't know if the problem is in SQL Server and/or its
drivers, or the way the web app is using it. But if it's doing it wrong,
why does it work with Oracle? It's a mystery!


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