Re: My EL not worky
Tom Anderson wrote:
This is a pretty rudimentary problem, i susect.
I wrote a JSP using the JSTL 1.1 'c' taglib. If i put plain strings in
the tags' attributes, everything works fine. If i put EL expressions in
them, they're treated like plain strings - not interpreted as expressions.
I reverted to 1.0, and it works fine.
In 1.0, at least in the version i'm using (the 'el' rather than 'rt'
variant), the tags are in charge of interpreting the EL. In 1.1, the
container is supposed to do it, AIUI. It seems like it isn't. Is there
something i need to do to switch it on? Some setting in the web.xml or
such? I had a quick google, and couldn't see anything (i couldn't really
construct a sensible query about it, though) - i haven't done anything
really drastic like read a manual yet.
I'm using JBoss EAP 4.2, FWIW.
Correct taglib URL (for the new versions that include "jsp")
and correct servlet spec version in web.xml is the only two things
I can think of.
If that does not resolve it then post a hello world level example
and the web-app tag in web.xml.