Re: Calendar.add (DAY_OF_YEAR, 1) - roll not working properly

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Sun, 03 Jan 2010 20:20:57 -0500
On 05-12-2009 12:11, Dr J R Stockton wrote:

In message<4b170544$0$273$14726298@news.sunsi>, Wed, 2 Dec 2009 19:24:45, Arne Vajh?j<> posted:

Dr J R Stockton wrote:

In message<>,
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 22:11:22, Lars Uffmann<> posted:

Is anyone able to tell me how I can tell this Calendar class to do
proper date calculation? I don't want to do everything by hand,
accounting for leap years - I just want to add a certain amount of days
to a date and get the date of the result...

  Gregorian Date day arithmetic is trivial if one has arithmetical
routines to convert between a Y M D triple and a day-count. A variety
of algorithms for that, with tests, in JavaScript, can be found in
<URL:> ; translation to Java
should be easy for anyone who knows and can run Java.
  Any Java library with Date routines should provide, and document,
corresponding conversions, carefully avoiding any need to determine
Summer Time either implicitly or explicitly.
  Month arithmetic is trivial by converting to/from month-count,
that one must decide what to do if the starting day number is too large
for the finishing month.
  Year arithmetic is trivial, except that one must decide what to do
the starting date is February 29 and the finishing year is not leap.
  Rarely will it be possible to code *significantly* briefer or

If you read the rest of the thread then you will see that the
problem was not lack of functionality but the fact that the OP
did not notice the fine print in the docs saying month's
in Java is zero based so that month 4 is May.

And that problem would not have occurred of routines such as I described
had been used.

The general problem is that of having routines with too much
functionality for ordinary needs, and with unexpected behaviour


It is unavoidable to have to be able to specify a month.

The only two points are:
1) programmers need to read the docs
2) Java should have made months 1 based instead of 0 based
    (or made them non-integer)


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