Re: Receiver in stops after 2735 bytes

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Mon, 04 Jan 2010 16:24:14 -0500
On 1/4/2010 4:14 PM, Bart Friederichs wrote:

Knute Johnson wrote:

On 1/4/2010 12:57 PM, Bart Friederichs wrote:


I have written a sender-receiver and the receiver stops receiving any
data after 2735 bytes. The sender seems to be fine, because when
connecting with a telnet session, it sends all the bytes.

I have tried to send the data in 100 byte pieces and flush() afterwards,
to no avail.

Am I missing someting?

Yes, showing us the code :-).

:) Obviously.

This is the sender:


socket is my own class, sock inside it is a, chunk is a

This is the receiver:

int bytesleft = length;
int bytesread = 0;
while (bytesleft> 0&& bytesread> -1) {
     bytesread = socket.sock.getInputStream().read(theChunk, length -
bytesleft, 1);
     bytesleft -= bytesread;

theChunk is a byte[] of size 'length'

     ... whose first `bytesread' elements will hold the
values from the *last* call to read(), if I'm not mistaken.
That is, if you try to read 1000 bytes and get them in two
chunks of 600 and 400 bytes each,

    - The first read() deposits input bytes 0-599 in
      theChunk[0] through theChunk[599],

    - The next read() deposits input bytes 600-999 in
      theChunk[0] through theChunk[399], wiping out
      bytes 0-399,

    - At the end, theChunk[] holds input bytes 600-999,
      followed by input bytes 400-599, followed by zeroes
      (or old garbage),

    - And, as a special bonus, you have no way of knowing
      how many bytes were received or where they were stored.

Eric Sosman

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