Re: JAX-WS supports both static and dynamic clients

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:53:30 -0400
On 25-09-2010 12:19, gk wrote:

On Sep 25, 5:47 pm, "Arved Sandstrom"<> wrote:

Lew wrote:

On 09/25/2010 08:01 AM, gk wrote:

what is a static and dynamic client ?

Here is the relevant context which you may need . I am not
comfortable with the following text..

*JAX-WS supports both static and dynamic clients*.

Good instinct. I'm not comfortable with it either.

My Question : when we are talking about web service clients, what
is a static client and dynamic client ?

I think it's a bad term.

[ SNIP ]

They are real terms - the *static* client approach is the dynamic proxy (go
figure), where you have an SEI (top-down or bottom-up, starting with
existing WSDL or not). This is considered to be high-level. The low-level
*dynamic* client approach is to use the Dispatch API directly and dispense
with generated artifacts.

Let me take your comment and further extend it.

so, I assume this way ...

Static clients are generated from e.g a WSDL2Java (in Axis) and
generate a client class to call the service methods.

Dynamic clients are called by hitting the endoint URL directly using
Disatch ApI.

hopefully this is what you wanted to mean.

That is the commonly used terminology.

I prefer to talk about "generated stub" and "hand coded call",
because those more clearly explains what they are.


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