Re: Low-latency alternative to Java Object Serialization

Robert Klemme <>
Sun, 02 Oct 2011 11:10:07 +0200
On 01.10.2011 14:46, Giovanni Azua wrote:

Hi again :)

I have this lite Client-Server framework based on Blocking IO using classic* Sockets (must develop it myself for a grad course project). The
way I am using to pass data over the Sockets is via Serialization i.e.
ObjectOutputStream#writeObject(...) and ObjectInputStream#readObject(...) I
was wondering if anyone can recommend a Serialization framework that would
outperform the vanilla Java default Serialization?

Three years ago I worked for a "high frequency trading" company and they
avoided default Java Serialization like "the devil to the cross" this is a
Spanish idiom btw ... :) due to its latency. However, I must say that their
remoting framework dated back to the Java stone age and my guess is that the
default Serialization must have improved over the years; I don't have hard
numbers to judge though. I remember JBoss Middleware implementation having
some Serialization framework for this very same reason ... have to check
that too.

Can anyone advice what would be best than Java Serialization without
requiring an unreasonably heavy dependency footprint?

Btw, there is a completely different option not mentioned so far: CORBA
with IIOP which was specifically designed for remote communication. Of
course this would mean that you had to exchange your complete
communication layer - but I wanted to mention it because I believe CORBA
is used too rarely because it somehow seems out of fashion. But if you
look at network bandwidth used I believe CORBA is a pretty good
contender compared to SOAP for example.

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

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