Re: Interplatform (interprocess, interlanguage) communication

Robert Klemme <>
Fri, 03 Feb 2012 22:44:54 +0100
On 02/03/2012 08:52 PM, Stefan Ram wrote:

   =BBX=AB below is another language than Java, for example,
   VBA, C#, or C.

   When an X process and a Java process have to exchange
   information on the same computer, what possibilites are
   there? The Java process should act as a client, sending
   commands to the X process and also wants to read answers
   from the X process. So, the X process is a kind of server.

   My criteria are: reliability and it should not be extremely
   slow (say exchanging a string should not take more than
   about 10 ms). The main criterion is reliability.

   =BBReliability=AB means little risk of creating problems, little
   risk of failure at run-time. (It might help when the client
   [=Java process] can reset the communication to a known and
   sane start state in case of problems detected at run-time.)

   The host OS is Windows, but a portable solution won't hurt.

   A list of possibilities I am aware of now:


   I have no experience with this. I heard one can establish
   a new process =BBproc=AB with =BBexec=AB and then use

BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new

A pipes is just 1:1 communication and only in 1 direction.


   One process writes to the end of a file, the other reads
   from the end of the file? - I never tried this, don't know
   if it is guaranteed to work that one process can detect and
   read, whether the other has just appended something to a file.

You can, but what do you do with the ever increasing file? This is not
reliable since the filesystem will fill up at some point.

   What if the processes run very long and the files get too
   large? But OTOH this is very transparent, which makes it easy
   to debug, since one can open the files and directly inspect
   them, or even append commands manually with =BBcopy con file=AB.


   This is slightly less transparent than files, but has the
   advantage that it becomes very easy to have the two
   processes running on different computers later, if this
   should ever be required. Debugging should be possible
   by a man-in-the-middle proxy that prints all information
   it sees or by connecting to the server with a terminal.

You can as well use a packet sniffer (Wireshark for example). If you
use a standard protocol you'll typically have encoding functionality in
the tool.


   JNI might be used to access code written in C or
   ABI-compatible languages. This should be fast, but I heard
   that it is error prone to write JNI code and needs some
   learning (code less maintainable)?

That would be a clumsy approach IMHO.

I'd pick a higher level protocol such as

- SOAP (XML based, ubiquitous)
- CORBA (a little out of fashion but quite efficient in terms of network =


Advantage: you can focus on definition of the API and need not take care =

of all the nifty details. Choice should also depend on the availability =

for language X, of course.

Kind regards


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