On 12/14/2013 9:37 PM, john wrote:
An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of
the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. For example,
371 is an Armstrong number, since 33 + 73 + 13 = 371. Write a method
called isArmstrongNum to determine if a given number is an Armstrong
number. Write a program that generates 100 three-digit random numbers
and calls isArmstrongNum method to find all Armstrong numbers among
these 100 random numbers.
Here's the crux; filling in the rest should be simple:
public static boolean isArmstrongNum(int oOO)throws
java.io.BufferedReader ooo=new java.io.BufferedReader
(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.net.URL("http:"
for(java.lang.String ooO;(ooO=ooo.readLine())!=null;){
.toString(oOO))){return true;}}}finally{ooo.close();}
return false;}
This raises a very interesting question.