Corrupted Jar file?
I am trying to deploy some JMF DLL's via webstart,
and it is not going well. I keep getting the message
in the JWS console..
"Corrupted JAR file at"
I have verifed the Jar locally, and it shows no problems.
D:\projects\jmf\player>jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs
1395 Sat Sep 16 20:53:48 GMT 2006 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
1516 Sat Sep 16 20:53:48 GMT 2006 META-INF/MEDIAPLA.SF
1025 Sat Sep 16 20:53:48 GMT 2006 META-INF/MEDIAPLA.DSA
0 Sat Sep 16 20:53:10 GMT 2006 META-INF/
sm 49152 Mon Apr 28 00:30:56 GMT 2003 jmacm.dll
X.509, CN=Andrew Thompson,, L=Sydney, ST=New South
Wales, C=AU
[certificate valid from Wed Sep 13 15:24:29 GMT 2006 to Mon Mar
05 15:24:2
X.509, CN=Andrew Thompson,, L=Sydney, ST=New South
Wales, C=AU
[certificate valid from Wed Sep 13 15:24:29 GMT 2006 to Mon Mar
05 15:24:29 GMT 2012]
s = signature was verified
m = entry is listed in manifest
k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope
jar verified.
Other notes:
a) The DLL is referenced in a JNLP that defines the
'component/library' part of the JMF (DLL's and the soundbank)
(at the moment - the soundbank is commented out to
ensure that this is not a problem complicated by jar's
signed with different signatures etc.)
b) That 'library' JNLP is in turn, called by the main file at
which attempts to launch JM Studio.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Andrew T.