Re: generic sorting?

Patricia Shanahan <>
Sat, 23 Sep 2006 14:59:45 GMT
<BZbRg.5142$> wrote: wrote:

public class IndirectComparator<...> implements Comparator<...> // 1
public int compare(int i, int j)
    return weight[i].compareTo(weight[j]); // 2


Hi Bob,

Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but see if this helps
(below). Some days I have a heck of a time wrapping my head around
generics and I find Eclipse to have very straight forward tips when I
go astray.

public final class IndirectComparator<T, R extends Comparable<? super
    implements Comparator<T> // 1
    List<R> weights;
    List<T> objs;
    public IndirectComparator(List<R> weights, List<T> objs) {
        this.weights = weights;
        this.objs = objs;

    public int compare(T i, T j) {
        return weights.get(objs.indexOf(i)).compareTo(
        weights.get(objs.indexOf(j))); // 2


If the lists are at all long, using indexOf could cause a performance
problem. It changes the sort complexity from O(n*log(n)) to O(n*n*log(n)).

However, if that is a a problem, it does suggest the alternative of
constructing a HashMap with the objects as keys, and the weights as values:

public final class IndirectComparator<T, R extends Comparable<? super
     implements Comparator<T> // 1
     Map<T,R> weightMap = new HashMap<T,R>();

     public IndirectComparator(List<R> weights, List<T> objs) {
         Iterator<R> wIt = weights.iterator();
         Iterator<T> oIt = objs.iterator();

     public int compare(T i, T j) {
         return weightMap.get(i).compareTo(weightMap.get(j));


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