Re: JSTL example

Lew <lew@lewscanon.nospam>
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:33:42 -0400
jilt3d wrote:

I'm reading now the JEE5 Tutorial and in a JSTL section, there is a

<c:if test="${!empty param.Add}">
  <c:set var="bid" value="${param.Add}"/>
  <jsp:useBean id="bid" type="java.lang.String" />
   <sql:query var="books"
    select * from PUBLIC.books where id = ?
    <sql:param value="${bid}" />
  <c:forEach var="bookRow" begin="0" items="${books.rows}">
    <jsp:useBean id="bookRow" type="java.util.Map" />
    <jsp:useBean id="addedBook"
      class="database.Book" scope="page" />
  <% cart.add(bid, addedBook); %>

 my question is what is the purpose of

<jsp:useBean id="bid" type="java.lang.String" />

, in

<sql:param value="${bid}" />
what I am referencing: the bean "bid" or the variable "bid"? It is a
little bit confusing for me. Any helps?

Both expressions declare a variable "bid", in fact, the same variable, which
points to the String "bean", to whit, the value set from the parameter by the

<jsp:useBean> is necessary for certain expressions to see the variable
declared in the <c:set>; I am not clear on when exactly one must use it.


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