Re: static hashtable with conent?

Owen Jacobson <>
Sat, 24 Nov 2007 22:35:40 -0800 (PST)
On Nov 24, 9:54 pm, "Mike Schilling" <>

Stefan Ram wrote:

Patricia Shanahan <> writes:

What is the advantage of this over the static initializer approach?
It is very clever, and I don't immediately see anything to
compensate for the cleverness.

 It can be used, where an /expression/ for a map is wanted.

 For example, in a call:

f( new HashMap(){{ put(a,b); put(c,d) }} );

 . In the context >>f( ... )<<, a sequence of statements is not allowed.

Or one could simply say
    Map map = new HashMap();

Or even introduce a private method to create and populate the map, if it's
considered important to distinguish that part of the code from the rest..

By the way, note that Patricia is (quite correctly here) using "clever"
disparagingly. That isn't done nearly often enough.

In the context of a method call, I would prefer Mike's form. In the
context of initializing a map constant I think I'd prefer to keep the
initializer scoped to the map and only the map, rather than to the
containing class.

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