Re: Still no typedef wrote:
I don't think it's a debate for the best language, just that declaring
some variable using generics can be quite long.
Map<String, Container<Entity, Comparator<Entity>>> myVariable=...
Iterator<Container<Entity, Comparator<Entity>>> iterator =
suppose the definition of Entity contains also some generics :
Entity becomes Entity<Node, RendererType>
the declaration of the Iterator becomes :
Iterator<Container<Entity<Node, RendererType>, Comparator<Entity<Node,
iterator = ...
which becomes quite long :(
using a kinf of type def :
typedef Entity<Node, RendererType> nodeEntity;
typedef Container<nodeEntity, Comparator<nodeEntity>> containerEntity;
the iterator becomes :
Iterator<containerEntity> iterator = ...
shorter and more readable
There is talk of using type inference to help reduce the verbosity of
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