Re: Is there a easy way to get complete info about JSTL and EL?
Lew wrote:
lightning wrote:
Apparently 'cookieVal.value' is itself of a holder type. What are
those two
In fact, ${cookie} is provided by EL,not me, I've no idea what type it
is when I iterate the ${cookie}.
If you don't know the type of 'cookie', how do you know that you can
iterate through it?
This is, of course, the heart of your problem.
As explained in
cookies is a Map. When you iterate over the Map, each iteration yields a
Your code extract (do NOT use TAB characters to indent Usenet listings):
<c:forEach var="cookieVal" items="${cookie}">
<c:if test="${cookieVal.key == 'abc'}">
<c:out value="${cookieVal.value.value}"></c:out>
only ${cookieVal.value.value} can output the right value of that
single cookie,but ${cookieVal.value} can not?
btw: it really sucks...
It sucks because you didn't check the data type first, so you failed to
understand what you needed to do.
The Entry has a value - that's ${cookieVal.value} - that's the Map.Entry value
right there. The value has a type - since ${cookies} is a Map from String to
javax.servlet.http.Cookie, that's the type of the value.
You want the value of the Cookie, which is the value of the value of the
Gee, that doesn't suck at all, not really, not in any way.