Re: Axis Webservice - RegisterTypeMapping

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Sun, 27 Jul 2008 18:05:54 -0400
Matt wrote:

On Jul 27, 10:02 am, Arne Vajh?j <> wrote:

thufir wrote:

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 22:09:30 -0400, Arne Vajh?j wrote:

I have two different Lists that I need mapped: List<ObjectA> and
List<ObjectB>. However, I can only register one type mapping for
List.class. It only picks up the last one registered.
call.registerTypeMapping(java.util.List.class, objectAqname, new
ArraySerializerFactory(), new ArrayDeserializerFactory(hostqname));
call.registerTypeMapping(java.util.List.class, objectBqname, new
ArraySerializerFactory(), new ArrayDeserializerFactory(hostqname));

I think this is how it has to be considering type erasure.
If you return ObjectA[] and ObjectB[] then I think you can do it.

Would wildcards help?

Wildcards ??

I dont know what you mean by wildcards either. And I cannot return
ObjectA[] or ObjectB[]. I am actually returning a different object,
ObjectC, which has two properties, List<ObjectA> and List<ObjectB>.

Make an ObjectCExternal that contains ObjectA[] and ObjectB[].


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