Re: Design question - methods calling methods
Rhino wrote:
I just threw it out to illustrate how these things
sort of all blur together in my brain....
Lew wrote:
You were advised not to do that. Strongly.
I strongly advise you, again!, to stick with SSCCEs until you stop
making that kind of mistake. That you have not learned your lesson
about posting uncompilable code is starting to make you look careless
and lazy.
Rhino wrote:
Honestly, I think you're being just a little too rigid now.
You aren't being "rigid" enough.
I was trying to get across the idea that, at first glance, Map<String,
Locale> sorted Locales = new SortedMap<String, Locale>() might be
something I would CONSIDER writing to address the suggestion that was
You should never "CONSIDER" writing 'new SomeInterface()'.
I know (now) that the statement in question wouldn't actually compile or
make sense and I didn't actually try to compile it anywhere. It was
You should have done.
strictly a hypothetical and I truly think it is reasonable to toss out a
hypothetical now and again even if it is only to dismiss it very quickly
Not if it's blatantly ridiculous like 'new SomeInterface()' which on the very
face of it is obviously wrong.
as the responders rightly did. I will continue to do that - very
sparingly I expect - and do so at my own peril. Maybe some of you will
disgusted with me for doing so and stop responding to me. If so, that's
life. I'll do what penance is needed to get back into everyone's good
graces or move on to some other discussion group if I have to.
What the hell does anyone's "good graces" have to do with it?
We're, or at least I'm trying to provide information and advice that will help
Now you petulantly whine that you're going continue to engage in bad practices
out of some bizarre obstinacy.
This only hurts yourself. It's not a question of anyone else's opinion but of
how you can best serve yourself in your attempt to progress as a developer.
You disregard the advice "at [your] own peril", all right, but it's not a
social peril, it's the peril that you'll never get any better as a software
I strongly advise you to get off your high horse about this issue.
"Penance". WTF?