Re: Complex types in web services

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 18:19:45 -0400
On 22-10-2010 09:49, Steve W. Jackson wrote:

In article<4cc18968$0$15424$c3e8da3$>,
  projectmoon<> wrote:

On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 02:54:29 -0700, ses wrote:

What's the best approach for dealing with complex types (such as
HashMap<String,String>) with web services? Obviously for full
interoperability the only option would be to convert to a string array -

But I tried using a wrapper class around a HashMap<String, String> and
it will build and deploy fine, though when I query the web service using
a tool such as soapUI, I simply get<return/> as the value for what
should contain my hashmap wrapper.

Is there any way I can get the wsgen tool to generate a complex type of
this sort or is it a much better idea to use primitives??

Most web app frameworks will have tools for serializing complex types in
web services. Spring has its own stuff, and there is a (proposed?)
standard called JAX-WS that will also do it. The main thing to watch out
for with complex types is cyclical references, assuming you're using
JSON. JSON cannot handle cyclical references.

JAX-WS is out and has been for a *very* long time now. Much of it is
integrated with JDK 6 as of around update 11 or 14, I forget which. And
it can already handle some of these complex types. In particular, the
cited example of HashMap<String,String> can be done, since it uses only
known types inside. Doing one with a more complex type takes more work,
which is what JAXB is for.

JAX-WS came with 1.6.nothing.

And the default handling of HashMap is not that useful.


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