Re: I need something like a "Hashtable<String[], Integer>" kind of data type ...

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Sun, 28 Nov 2010 17:39:42 -0500
On 11/28/2010 4:28 PM, Tom Anderson wrote:

On Sat, 27 Nov 2010, Patricia Shanahan wrote: wrote:

I need something like a "Hashtable<String[], Integer>" kind of data
type ...

I have a String[] (String array (a Sequence of String more precisely
since order matters)) which I need to use in a hashtable for fastest

If the sequence of Strings is found in the hashmap all I need is the

Use a HashMap<java.util.List<String>, Integer>. List has the equals
and hashCode rules you need - a List is equal to another List that
contains the same elements in the same order. An array is only equal
to itself.

As something of an aside, if i understand "If the sequence of Strings is
found in the hashmap all I need is the index" to mean "I have a sequence
of sequences of strings, and i want to be able to find the index of a
given sequence of strings quickly", then is there a data structure which
will do a better job than a hashmap? You can certainly do it with a
hashmap, but hashmaps store arbitrary values, whereas here, the values
are more tightly constrained - they're indexes in the top-level
sequence. Can that be used to find a tighter fit? I have half an eye on
the problem of updating the collection here; with a hashmap, if i insert
a new sequence of strings in the middle, i'm going to need to update the
stored indexes for all those which come after it.

     The O.P. didn't explain where his "index" comes from, or whether
it depends on the current repertoire of String[]'s in the collection.
If he wants it to reflect some kind of ordering on the String[]'s, so
that a late arrival can take over the "index" of an earlier-but-larger
String[], then I don't think HashMap is a suitable data structure. Not
by itself, anyhow, although it might be usable in combination with
something else.

     On the other hand, if "index" is something that remains constant
for a given String[] -- an "insertion sequence number," say -- then a
HashMap would do just fine.

     I think the O.P. should explain his situation more fully if he wants
advice better tailored to his circumstances. All we know at the moment
is that he has String[]'s, he associates each with an Integer "index"
of unknown provenance, and he's decided that "fast access" can be had
by hashing them. That's not much to go on; a few words about the nature
of the overarching problem seem in order ...

Eric Sosman

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