Re: not again: hibernate OpenSessionInViewInterceptor lazyinitialization
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On Sun, 13 Mar 2011, wrote:
On Mar 13, 3:18?pm, Lew <> wrote:
Tom Anderson wrote: wrote:
How do you set a breakpoint inside the library?
How do i do it? I use Eclipse, so i open the class, go to the Outline view,
bring up the context menu on the method i'm interested in, and select 'Toggle
method breakpoint'.
Tom: when you say open the class: how do you open the class:
Do you mount the Hibernate source? I can't find the class
org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl in my eclipse IDE
If you have the Hibernate jar on your project's classpath, you can do
control-shift-T, and type SessionImpl. If that doesn't work, your
classpath isn't set up right - i'm sure Eclipse's help can tell you how to
add a jar to your classpath.
The problem was that I had defined the bean
but wasn't referencing this anywhere.
I had to define a bean id="urlMapping" which referenced
and which defined the mapping /search.htm
Whereas I previously had <bean name="/search.htm" class="..."/>
Ah, Spring. How it makes life easier.
It's a surprising finding, but that's science all over: the results
are often counterintuitive. And that's exactly why you do scientific
research, to check your assumptions. Otherwise it wouldn't be called
"science", it would be called "assuming", or "guessing", or "making it
up as you go along". -- Ben Goldacre