Re: "Program to an interface" - When to break a design pattern

Lew <>
Fri, 06 May 2011 21:39:06 -0400
On 05/06/2011 07:53 PM, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

On 11-05-06 12:15 PM, Michal Kleczek wrote:


I've seen this design pattern before

and, in general, I see the point of it.

But say we've got something like this

LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> sortedMap = this.getSortedMap();

So you have the method

public LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> getSortedMap() {
   //do stuff

(not necessarily public)

Now the design principle says, the method signature should instead be

public Map<String, Integer> getSortedMap() {
   //do stuff

The problem is, where I'm creating sortedMap above, I need the map to
retain the insertion order. If what's returned actually is a Map,
rather than a LinkedHashMap, then the results the user actually sees
are going to be in the wrong order. Making things worse, in this case,
nothing would actually break, only the end user would notice anything
was actually wrong.

So in this case, it seems to me, that using LinkedHashMap in the
method signature makes sense. The fact that the return retains the
insertion order is an integral part of what the method does.

If nothing else, it's going to save Fred Developer down the line from
looking at the code around this

Map<String, Integer> sortedMap = this.getSortedMap();

and thinking "wait, how do I know getSortedMap() is going to return a
result with the right ordering?", and having to waste time digging
into that method.


Opinions? Angry mob with torches and pitchforks? The Spanish

Stick to the principle and specify return type as java.util.Map.

It's best to understand that principle before urging it on people. No
less an authority than Erich Gamma has made it clear - albeit not widely
enough nor early enough - that when GOF said "program to an interface",
they did *NOT* mean only Java "interface" as in a construct with the
"interface" keyword. What they actually meant was the OOP interface that
*every* class has, coupled with a judicious choice of which interface of
this type to pick in the type hierarchy.

What the principle really means - and you don't have to take my word for
it, you can look up discussions by OOP authorities - is that given that
the object you need is in a type hierarchy - classes, abstract classes,
interfaces - that you pick that level in the type hierarchy to work
with, which is as high up as possible while still meeting requirements.

The highest interface that fits the bill might actually be the interface
of a concrete class, or the interface of an abstract class. In fact
abstract classes are frequently better as interfaces than actual Java

Bear in mind - and this is not invented by me; you can find this if you
keep up on OOP literature - that there is a reasonably well-known
distinction also between public and published interfaces (look up
"Fowler", "public", "published", and continue to keep in mind that
"interface" doesn't mean the Java keyword). If an interface is published
then it's not a bad thing to use it. LinkedHashMap has a published
interface *and* it has behaviour that other maps do not have - it is a
correct decision to stop in the type hierarchy with LinkedHashMap if
that's the behaviour you need.

Further note: behaviour isn't just a list of method signatures. It's
also what the abstract class or concrete class actually does. Not *how*
it does it - that's implementation - but what it does - that's
contractual _behaviour_. Keeping insertion order for iterators is
_behaviour_...using a doubly-linked list to accomplish that is

The decision on what Map implementation to use has to obey DRY principle -
if the place to decide is getSortedMap() then the rest of the program should
assume getSortedMap() does the right thing.

Good luck with that one. That's what a lot of Java code ends up hoping
for, because people misunderstood "program to an interface" and forced
the use of the highest possible level Java-keyword interfaces everywhere
possible. There are a bunch of problems that come about then:
downcasting all over the place, brittle code because now everything that
relied on interface X (including the 10 classes you wrote that
implemented it) has to be changed because you need to add a method to
interface X (or modify a method signature in interface X), calling code
unaware that it really ended up depending on that Map actually being a
LinkedHashMap and only finding out when some other provider of the
method gets swapped in...the list goes on and on.

Imagine the requirements change and from now on the map has to retain
reverse insertion order. Do you want to rewrite your clients?

Bad example in my opinion. The first time this happened I'd take it on
the chin and accept that the client code doesn't know what it
wants...seeing as how it's the client code that forces a change like
this. And rather than be screwed twice I'd probably write an abstract
class, or Java-keyword interface, that would let me cope with poor
design by the other team.

Be clear on this - you could have used a high-level Java "interface", as
in the keyword type of interface. And the requirements change and now
you need to modify the interface - you're just as hosed then, Michal.

Here are the relevant chapter titles from /Effective Java/, by Joshua Bloch:
Item 18: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes
Item 19: Use interfaces only to define types
Item 52: Refer to objects by their interfaces
Item 53: Prefer interfaces to reflection

Here he refers to the Java 'interface', not the more general term you just

Note that in the details of Item 52, Mr. Bloch covers using the more specific
types when the contract (the GoF sense of "interface") calls for it:

"If appropriate interface types exist, then ... your program will be more
flexible if you use the interface to refer to the object; if not, just use the
least specific class in the class hierarchy that provides the required

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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