Re: Type of a generic class?
To: Donkey Hottie
From: "Lew" <lew@1:261/38.remove-yy0-this>
To: Donkey Hottie
From: Lew <>
Donkey Hottie wrote:
markspace kirjoitti:
I am trying to convert a simple { String name, String value } pair in
How about a Map<String, Global<?>>
Also, you should move that if-chain reflection out of your app and use
polymorphism instead.
database to a Global<T>(name) so that it will convert the Java simple
datatypes to a string and back. This is for system parameters,
configuration parameters.
It is indeed kind of spooky and strange idea, after all what is so wrong
about simple
String value = SystemProperties.getString("ParamName") ;
It is OK, but I'm kind of toying with idea of strong typing of System
Parameters: A Date can not be stored as Long or Double etc..
Using strings to look up types is not strong typing.
The back end of the system parameters is simply
CREATE TABLE SystemParameters
name varchar(64) not null primary_key,
value varchar(512)
) ;
That's it. That is have the table is given to me. But I want to make the
Java code bit more pedantic on the types of the parameters it uses and
JPA does that for you, too.
Anyway, your use of reflection is anti-pedantic.
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