Re: How to restart a thread in Java

"Mike Schilling" <>
Sat, 28 Oct 2006 17:48:09 GMT
"Brandon McCombs" <> wrote in message

Christopher Benson-Manica wrote: wrote:

I need to restart a Java Thread in my application. what would be the
safe way of doing this.

You can't restart a thread. From the javadoc:

"It is never legal to start a thread more than once. In particular, a
thread may not be restarted once it has completed execution."

Does legal mean the code won't compile or that it just isn't good

That it won't work.

I ask because I have a class that contains a run() for a thread and I call
it everytime I need to do the operation that the run() performs and I do
so w/o creating a new instant of the class that the run() is a part of.

But you're not creating a thread when you do that; you're just calling a
method. If you called "start()" repeatedly on a Thread (or subclass of
Thread), then you'd see it fail after the first time.

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