Re: notifying particular thread to wake up.

 Daniel Pitts <>
Fri, 28 Sep 2007 16:45:41 -0000
On Sep 28, 12:10 am, wrote:

On Sep 28, 12:29 am, Lew <> wrote: wrote:

On Sep 25, 5:49 pm, Daniel Pitts <> wrote:

I suggest you read Java Concurrency In Practice <>. It teaches you everything you
should know before attempting to create multi-threaded programs.

ALERT! The URL given does not lead to any explanation of Java
concurrency in practise. It leads to an advertisement trying to sell

Something truly valuable and worth far more than the price you'll pay for it.

[snip remainder of endorsement]

(This response applies equally to Roedy's.)

Regardless of all of that, it remains the case that the original post
is a bait-and-switch. It purports to link to information about Java;
instead it links to an advertisement. It's a clear grab for money.
Regardless of how relevant or well-targeted the ad might be in this
context, it is still an ad, and all of the following occurred:

Actually, I have know vested interest in that book. I just thought it
was a good book, and rather than simply provide the OP with *only* the
name of the book, I did a quick google and found that they had an
official website.

* The first response to the thread was an ad for a commercial product.

My response was appropriate.

* The response did not disclose that this was the case; instead one
had to follow the link to discover that one is being asked for money
instead of merely receiving an answer.

Oh, I wasted one click! I'm so sorry. Deal with it.

* The response conspicuously did not mention the Java Tutorial or any
of the other copious free material on the subject matter, which the OP
would be financially well-advised to consider first before resorting
to paying money.

I was not aware that the Java tutorial went into the kind of detail
that JCIP did.

* There's also the niggling little matter that the ad is probably
utterly useless to anyone who isn't an American with a credit card
from one of the Big 3 anyway. That's about 1% of the world population.
If you're a German with poor credit but a $50 bill (well, fifty euro
or whatever) burning a hole in your pocket, too bad, your money isn't
green enough I expect.

Regardless of the OP's motives and intentions, the result is awfully

And Usenet is not an appropriate place for commercial advertising

This is the second time you've accused me of commercial advertising
when I don't make money from anything I do on usenet.

Although, I don't see the problem if I do. Some newsgroups aren't
appropriate places for commercial advertising, but pointing out an
*extremely* relevant product is valud.

God, this is like the time everyone told you to check out ANT and you
refused to even *google* for it!

Twisted, you are WRONG!

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