Re: Accessing files from within an application server

Owen Jacobson <>
Fri, 22 Feb 2008 00:58:02 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 22, 12:34 am, "Qu0ll" <> wrote:

"Owen Jacobson" <> wrote in message

Use the classloader getResource/getResourceAsStream methods and the
current thread's context classloader to access non-class files that
are in classloader scope. For example, foo.war/WEB-INF/classes/
myConfig.xml is reachable using
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream ("/

Thanks for the info but I am completely confused by what's happening...

If I use your suggestion and specify "sample.xml" as the parameter to
getResourceAsStream() and place that file in the WEB-INF folder then it ca=


find it. If I then put the same file in a folder named "xml" under WEB-=


and pass either "xml/sample.xml" or "/xml/sample.xml" then the file cannot=

be found. I am using NetBeans 6.0 and a WAR project if that's relevant.=

I realise you actually suggested using "/sample.xml" but that would map to=

WEB-INF/classes if you are correct and I don't really want to put
source-type files there as that folder gets blown away by NetBeans on

So what's going on? How do I reference files in WEB-INF/xml/*.xml from
within a servlet?

Include "WEB-INF/" in the name of the resource when locating it.
getResource and friends search from classloader roots, which in the
case of a webapp are:

 - the webapp's own root (foo.war/)
 - the webapp's classes directory (foo.war/WEB-INF/classes/)
 - the root of each JAR file in the lib directory (foo.war/WEB-INF/


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