Re: [Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read.
"" wrote:
[BEA][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read.
I am not able to figure out what is the root cause. When i see my
code, everything seems to be fine. Also the procedures seems to be OK.
"Seems OK" is so non-specific. I trust you know specifically what things you
checked, and specifically how your code didn't violate the items you knew to
put on your specific checklist. Of course the code isn't OK, or you wouldn't
have the bug. Therefore "seems" is an illusion.
It will be great if any one can let me know the solution.
Markus Tazl wrote:
It just looks as if your ResultSet was closed.
This may happen because of a closed connection,
a timed out connection, (it might be even a multithreading issue).
I had this problem some time ago after an admin
changed firewalls settings. Just to be sure, the DB-server
is available from your webserver ?
A ResultSet object is automatically closed when the Statement object
that generated it is closed, re-executed, or used to retrieve the next
result from a sequence of multiple results.
Could this apply in your case? Are you doing something else with the
Statement object while the ResultSet is still using it?
(Detachable RowSets are an apparent exception to this.)
best regards
Markus Tazl
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