Re: How many threads?

Knute Johnson <>
Mon, 04 Aug 2008 14:06:45 -0700
Tom Anderson wrote:

On Mon, 4 Aug 2008, Christian wrote:

Tom Anderson schrieb:

On Sun, 3 Aug 2008, Roger Lindsj? wrote:

Roedy Green wrote:

I am about to do some multithreading code to get some parallelism when
waiting for Internet links to respond. The question comes How many
threads? Well it depend on too many things. How much ram, how fast the
connections, what else is going on in the machine.

But hundreds is often no problem.

Note: I have run this on Dual and Quad core Intel and AMD on Linux,
not Windows, so there could be a difference.

I believe that linux's threading is much, much faster than windows'.
But a few hundred threads could still be fine on windows.

Does this believe have any base? Or is it just the usual Unix/Windows

Stuff i read on the linux kernel mailing list a few years back. Which is
not necessarily an affirmative answer to your first question!

I can't cite proper data on this, i have to confess. We ought to extend
this thread to a linux and a windows newsgroup ...


Sorry I came to this thread late but I remember here a while back I did
some experiments on the number of threads on Windows XP. I found once
you got past 75-100 things got really slow. That was on my dual core
machine and one with more processors would probably do much better.

I think in many cases you might do much better with schedulers and fewer
threads. Less system overhead and memory use.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/

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