Re: Source code for Exception Class and RuntimeException Class
ankur wrote:
On Aug 23, 1:40 pm, Arne Vajh?j <> wrote:
ankur wrote:
On Aug 23, 12:24 pm, Daniele Futtorovic <da.futt.n...@laposte.invalid>
On 23/08/2008 21:10, Arne Vajh?j allegedly wrote:
ankur wrote:
How can I see the source code for Exception Class and RuntimeException
Look in the that comes with SUN Java.
With the JDK (and not the JRE), to be precise.
In I can see the signature for
public synchronized native Throwable fillInStackTrace();
where do I find its implementation ?
Ditto for this method:
private native StackTraceElement getStackTraceElement(int index);
Native methods are in C code.
You can get the source for the C pieces of SUN Java as well.
But I think you should look for alternative approaches to
whatever you are trying to accomplish.
Native stacktrace code in the JVM is not something to mess
around with.
Where can I get the source for the C pieces of SUN Java ?
Joshua has already posted the links.
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