Re: casting Object[] to String[] - why not?

Patricia Shanahan <>
Fri, 17 Apr 2009 22:16:15 -0700
Andreas Leitgeb wrote:

Is synchronisation for toArray(...) any way different from any other list-
accessor? I think toArray shouldn't need any more synchronisation than if
it is used in an addAll() of another List. The quoted texts read to me as
if there were some extra need. (If I misread, please just say so)


The issue I was talking about was

someList.toArray(new String[someList.size()])

where someList is either a Vector or a synchronized list, and is being
accessed from multiple threads.

In that case the list provides the synchronization for toArray and size,
but separately. There is a window between size releasing the lock and
toArray acquiring it. During that window, the size of the list could change.

If the size increases, toArray will duplicate the allocation, including
clearing, of what may be quite a large array. If it decreases, the
program will only work if it was designed to use a null element to
indicate end of the active portion of the array.


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