My (lack of )wisdom about threads
So, inspired by ?Swing application architecture question.?, here is
my (lack of )wisdoms about threads:
- To correctly use multi-threading, a special education is needed.
I do not yet have taken the time to undergo this, so I need
to refrain from using threads (that is, more than one thread).
- However, Java might force me to use threads, e.g., when using
Swing. So I /will/ use multi-threading when being forced to,
but take care only to use code patterns from common Swing
examples and not do own inventions in this realm.
Recently, I read something I liked very much. So, whenever I
would start to do own inventions in multi-threading, my first
step would be to follow this advice:
?As much as possible, prefer to keep each thread's data
isolated (unshared), and let threads instead communicate
via asynchronous messages that pass copies of data.?
Does anyone else like this advice?
So, when I should ever start to use threads in Java beyond
what I am forced to do, I'd implement a message-passing
framework/library/pattern for my threads first.
I do not know if this remark would be helpful for the ?Swing
application architecture question.?, but since I am aware that
I do not yet know enough about threads in Java to give any
advice to anyone else, I did not dare to post into that thread
[no pun intended].
But I wonder whether a communication between a view and a
model that live in different threads can also be made robust
by basing this communication on such messages.