Re: X11 based GUI toolkit for java on unix AND windows

Nigel Wade <>
Wed, 6 Jan 2010 11:09:24 +0000 (UTC)
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 15:18:50 -0800, Andrew wrote:

On 15 Dec 2009, 15:28, Nigel Wade <> wrote:

On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 02:37:54 -0800, Andrew wrote:

Does anyone know of an X11 GUI toolkit for java that is available on
both unix and windows? gnome-java is unix-only but is otherwise just
the sort of thing I am looking for.


Andrew Marlow

Is there something wrong with Swing? If you want a cross-platform
solution why not use the cross-platform GUI that comes as part of the
standard API?

I don't like swing. IMO it looks horrible,

That's a consequence of being cross-platform. It has to, necessarily,
work at the lowest common denominator of all the supported platforms. The
point is, it's cross-platform, and works the same on all supported
platforms. It really isn't that bad, you've just been corrupted by the
eye-candy and flimsy glossing over of your current desktop, which is
there to mask the horrible mess behind it.

grappling with stuff having
to be on the EDT is a pain

You will have exactly the same problems in any multi-threaded, event
driven (GUI), environment. At least Java/Swing is up front about it.

and it is not automatically networked, unlike
X11-based toolkits.

It is X based on X Windows platforms, it uses the native windowing
environment. If you run an X application on Windows then you would
require an X server running on that same machine for the application to
connect to. You would first have to fire up that X server (Cygwin/X for
example) before your application. That in-built X networking comes at a

Nigel Wade

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