Re: sync on local variable

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:06:53 -0400
On 3/25/2010 1:29 PM, Roedy Green wrote:

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 16:21:29 -0700, Patricia Shanahan<>
wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said :

It's difficult to know if the message was valid or not without an SSCCE.

you can see the complete code at

it is a bit fat for a SSCCE.

     Would have been nice of you to point out which of the twelve
source files elicited the complaint ... For others who may want
a look, seems to be the culprit.

     Roedy, I still don't know what's going on, but there's at least
one synchronization problem apparent in the code:

    for ( int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < ALL_ROWS.size(); rowIndex++ )
       synchronized ( ALL_ROWS )
           row = ALL_ROWS.get( rowIndex );

As the comment just before this loop says, rows might be deleted
from ALL_ROWS while this is running, meaning that rowIndex might
be out of range by the time you call get().

     This doesn't appear closely related to a complaint about
synchronizing on row -- but I've often found, when confronted
by a mysterious problem, that it pays to clean up *all* the
other issues, even those that are "obviously unrelated."

     By the way, if ALL_ROWS can be perturbed while the loop is
in progress, the iteration may miss rows (visit row 4, other
thread deletes row 2 and slides everything down one slot, visit
row 5 which used to be row 6, never visit the old row 5), or may
visit a row more than once (visit row 4, other thread inserts a
row after row 2 and slides everything up, visit row 5 which is
the same row just visited as 4). The comment indicates you don't
want to lock ALL_ROWS for the entire loop, but to keep the
iteration self-consistent you might want to do something like
lock ALL_ROWS, grab a snapshot with toArray(), unlock, and run
the iteration on the (private, stable) snapshot.

Eric Sosman

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