Re: Java IDEs *Le sigh*

"Oliver Wong" <>
Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:48:53 GMT
"Timo Stamm" <> wrote in message

hilz schrieb:

I find perspectives annoying as well.
NetBeans used to have some sort of the same idea in the past (maybe
called "modes" if i recall correctly). They got rid of them long time ago
(since NB 3.6 I guess). They must have realized how annoying they were
long ago!

Annoying? I find this view managing system very useful for some
applications. In Eclipse, you can adjust sizes, or move a view somewhere
else, but you never have to position it yourself. You may find it
irritating to have less control, but I would find it cumbersome to
position all those windows by hand.

    I like the perspectives as well. I find I'm not interested in the same
views when debugging as I am when programmer as I am when synchronizing with
CVS as I am when editing XML documents as I am when profiling my
application. I like how I can arrange the windows the way I like for each
task, and then save those arrangements to quickly switch between them.

    But to each his/her own, I guess.

    - Oliver

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