Re: Book for a Beginner? Anyone? wrote:
Does anybody know of a JAVA programming book for a beginner, such as
myself, to learn with? I'm looking at Java In A Nutshell, but I'm
unsure. Could anyone please reccomend a book to learn from? Thank you!!!
I recommend _Learning Java_ by O'Reilly. _Learning Java_ doesn't cover
everything, but it'll get you started and give you a pretty good, if
general, overview of Java. It does cover certain (beginner) aspects
quite well, but it's unfortunately a bit lacking on advanced
information. Strictly for beginners. You might try _Head First Java_.
I've never used it, but there's a wealth of positive comments on
O'Reilly's web site.
If you have a specific application in mind, you might be better off
finding a book specifically for that. For example, for Java Applets get
a beginner's book on Applets. For Web Apps, _Head First Servlets and
JSP_ also by O'Reilly, is quite good (but doesn't really teach you Java,
per se).
You should also look at learning an IDE for Java. I never used IDEs
before, but for a language like Java, it makes a lot of sense. Time
spent learning the IDE will be a sound investment. I'd recommend NetBeans.
I'm pretty sure _Java in a Nutshell_ is a reference, not a beginners
book. I never liked Bruce Eckel's Thinking ... series. Sorry John.
I also recommend the online tutorial by Sun at Someone
else gave you the correct link already, but I've used it and it's quite
good, but VERY introductory.