Re: netbeans how to add main function when adding a java class
sss wrote:
For a lot of jobs here in Canada,
you need to be familiar with Eclipse. I haven't figured out the reason
yet but I happen to be more familiar with Eclipse. ^^;)
Why the heck do so many managers seem bent on mandating IDEs? I have worked
in many places where Eclipse was the "standard" IDE for Java, but I cheerfully
went ahead and used Netbeans (and emacs) to do my source development. Only
when people have absolutely insisted that I must use Eclipse (I still don't
know how they justified that) did I do so, and then only because I like
getting a paycheck.
It's not that I dislike Eclipse very much, only that I prefer Netbeans. I
have also used JBuilder and WSAD (IBM's WebSphere Application Developer) when
someone else paid for the licenses.
The choice of IDE is, or should be, completely immaterial to the finished
product. The ultimate deployment environment is command-line, with Ant. Any
editor from vi on is fine if you can be productive with it.
Furthermore, if all developers on a project use only one IDE, there is
significant risk of dependencies on that IDE creeping into the build. I feel
that Eclipse is especially vulnerable here; it does rather clever things with
classpaths that let a program run within the IDE, only to fail when you leave
Eclipse's hearth. Testing should always occur on a command-line build
(preferably with Ant) before release.
That said, the earlier post about using an editor to insert a main() is not
such a joke.
We should get to pick our own editors; forcing standardization on a single IDE
in a project is an error.
- Lew