Re: creating a war file using tomcat

Lew <>
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:16:07 -0400
"" wrote:

Hi am a newbie to tomcat [sic]. I am having trouble creating a war file, any
help will do. thanks in advance

Tim Slattery wrote:

You're going to have to be more specific than that. You use the
jar.exe [1] tool to create a War. What problem are you having?

Popular integrated development environments (IDEs) like Eclipse and NetBeans
have the ability to invoke the 'jar' command for you, as does the Ant build
tool. (Ant has a 'war' target.)

Read the documentation for the respective products.

[1] "jar.exe" is Windows only. Other OSes just call it "jar".


To qualify as a WAR, a JAR file should have the extension ".war" and have a
specific internal structure.

Since you're using Tomcat you should read the docs at
in particular,

Have you?


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